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Monisola Lawal


Hey guys! I intend to send out bi-weekly posts but this is a special one to “mame” in celebration of mother’s day. By the way, I call my mom "mame".

So recall I mentioned one of the things I'm working on given the ongoing pandemic is improving my relationship with my folks largely due to the fact that I can be far from patient when dealing with them (some of you can relate with this). I struggle most of the time with maintaining a good and respectful relationship, especially with my mom. Well until recently (God helping me)

Not that I didn’t want one, it was just kind of difficult, and even when I tried sometimes, I made a mess of things. I guess I thought I was trying but trying the wrong things. For example, by keeping quiet and letting them do all the talking while I replied in monosyllables.

As I deliberately set out to be more attentive and patient, especially realizing I would want my kids to be patient with me in my old age (lol), I remember days we stayed up late watching movies. Most of the time, my dad would have gone to bed leaving me and my mom but sometimes he would come check up on us. My mom's laughter, oh my goodness is just unique, her eyes practically light up when she is having a good laugh and it just amazes me to see such pure joy. We would laugh and laugh while snacking on the chocolates she must have bought me during the day. I remember one time as a child, I was ill and as my mom carried me under the rain to “Doctor Fatai”, she slipped and fell. I also remember this one time in my teenage years when we took the money meant for her business and diverted it into something for my personal gain (ref: Quincy Herbal) again this was a secret we kept from my dad.

My mom and I would visit café (Savannah Chum Chum & Fries) cos she knew I was a pastry lover. Actually I got my sweet tooth from her. She introduced me to the world of cake, chocolates, ice cream (I remember we also tried making ice cream a couple of times together).

Oh, you don’t want to know all we went through and I guess still go through in our relationship. Growing up, she would call me from wherever to come pick something that was just beside her, I just couldn't understand that! One time, I was caught filling up drinking bottles from the bucket in the bathroom simply because I didn't want to deal with waiting for the water to run from the tap. She called me lazy! and I don't think she ever stopped considering me to be just that.

My mom isn’t perfect just as I am not but she is perfectly perfect for me. No one has held me in prayer like she has had to even when I wish she didn’t have to.

Oh, the love of a mother! I love my ‘mame”.

Happy Mother’s Day to every mother and mother-to-be

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