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Monisola Lawal


I find some scriptures in the bible to be contradictory and I am certain I am not the only one that has experienced this or come across certain verses of such.

Take for example, Proverbs 16 verse 1 says "I can make my plans but the final outcome is in God’s hands" and then Matthew 17 verse 20 reads "Because of your little faith, Jesus said for if you have faith even as small as a tiny mustard seed, you could say to this mountain move and it would go far away. Nothing would be impossible"

It felt like in the first scripture, God ultimately decides what will be but the latter makes me think I can actually make a difference by my faith.

As I pondered on this, I came to a conclusion that more often than not the scripture complements itself, especially when not taken out of context. Take me for example, If you ask my family, they will tell you how lazy I am yet I believe I am organized and so when asked to talk about myself, I identify with being equally lazy and organized, and I see some people struggle to understand how this can be.

Let me see if I can explain. My morning routine: I wake up, roll in bed, sleep back, wake up, roll...and eventually get up close to noon (mostly on weekends and on weekdays, I get up early enough not to get to work late) yet as I get up, not only have I mentally figured out the task ahead of me and created an order of execution, but I am well ahead of some who got up hours before me. Similarly, send me on an errand or ask me to cook, I am just too lazy to be excited about these but when caught up in these situations, I can be the most efficient, effective, and moreso detailed one.

Just like I have had to often explain these two sides of the coin in terms of my attributes to some people as they seem contradictory on the surface, I couldn't help but feel the same about the scriptures. With the word of God, we need to dig deeper to get a better glimpse of the bigger picture.

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