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Monisola Lawal

Honoring Parents

I recently planned a surprise for my parents and things almost went bad. As I went over the experience, I tried to identify what probably went wrong, if any lesson can be taken from the experience, and here are some thoughts which can be applied in dealing with others.

One: I may have good intentions but the process and act of implementation can be miscommunicated and misunderstood.

Two: I should master my emotions and be careful of saying what I might regret, or even do what I wouldn’t be proud of.

Three: Misunderstandings aren’t always a good enough reason to stop a good act.

Four: Let every gift be appropriate to the receiver and not only to satisfy one’s ego.

Five: Examine your motive- If the gift is to please and honor the receiver, then even in conflict situations, things would be handled in an appropriate manner.

Six: Exercise Patience! Patience!! Patience!!! (for me, at least)

The bible says to honor our parents so that it be well with us and our days be long.

I add the following:

Honor the sacrifice and labor of love of your parents over you.

Honor your parents so that your children will honor you in your old age.

Honor your parents so God be pleased with you

Honor your parents despite….

Honor your parents just because

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