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Monisola Lawal

Life happens

According to Tony Robbins "life doesn't happen to you, it happens for you". I think life does both.

I often say "life happens" at the turn of events, usually negative ones that get me wondering why certain things happen to me and even others especially when I think those affected deserve better.

When a partner can't stay committed to a relationship after years spent together and the other partner wonders "why did she have to leave?", in consoling him, people would say "guy, life happens".

When I stall a colleague's promotion because I feel he or she is undeserving or because of some bias, life happens to such a person who has to probably stay on a role longer than necessary.

When I decide to ignore another person's hurt and abuse because either I am not directly affected or because I decide to mind my business, as against if I allow myself to show up and be there in the possible ways I can for that person.. I let life happen.

Life happens when a business executive decides to cheat his partner and rob him of the profit from the investment made thinking he is playing smart.

And when I decide to put a smile on someone's face and be a blessing, life happens as well to that person.

No doubt, life happens! Sometimes by our actions or inactions.

So let's be mindful of this - "life happening" to others which not only shapes their perspective and experience can come from what we do or decide not to.

And as we make life happen to others, then life happens for them and for us.

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