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Monisola Lawal

Nothing is new

I got a call from a friend.

If you know me well, usually my conversation would start out this way or something close to this.

You: Hey Moni, how are you?

Me: I’m good and you?

And the trend is such that I’d direct the conversation onto you.

On this fateful day and in the course of doing the usual, I got listening to some of what my friend had been dealing with and suddenly I got excited.

Excited cos it resonated.

Ever been in a situation where you feel you’d probably be misunderstood or not even taken seriously enough?

I could relate with her struggles and was glad there was someone who didn’t think me crazy.

And so we went on talking about our sleeplessness, fear, anxiety, worries on one hand

yet our hope, faith, assurance, and confidence on the other.

It was just so liberating to be able to voice out the fears without any fear

To laugh at the fears and ultimately encourage one another

Again I was reminded that there is nothing new under the sun and I quote from Ecclesiastes 1 verse 9

“History merely repeats itself. It has all been done before. Nothing under the sun is truly new”

No matter what you are going through, it isn’t new or strange and you are not alone

Learn to share with others; yes of course "trusted" others

It is liberating.

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